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What Is The Best Age For Dental Implants?

Age Considerations For Dental Implants

Generally, dental implants are not recommended for younger patients whose jawbones have not yet fully developed. This typically means that dental implants are not suitable for most people under the age of 18. On the other end of the spectrum, there's no upper age limit for dental implants. Many patients in their 80s and 90s have undergone successful dental implant procedures. 

Health Factors Play A Role

While age does play a role in determining the suitability of dental implants, overall health is a much more important factor. Conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, or gum disease may affect your ability to get dental implants. It's also crucial to have enough bone density in the jaw to support the implant. 

Lifestyle And Dental Implants

Your lifestyle can also play a significant role in determining whether dental implants are the right choice for you. For instance, smokers or those who consume alcohol heavily may face a higher risk of complications during the implant process. Good oral hygiene practices and a commitment to regular dental check-ups are essential for the long-term success of dental implants.

Benefits Of Dental Implants

Regardless of age, dental implants offer numerous benefits. They look and feel like natural teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Dental implants also maintain facial structure, preventing bone loss in the jaw. Moreover, unlike dentures, they don't slip or click when you talk, laugh, or eat.

The Process Of Getting Dental Implants

The journey to getting dental implants involves several steps. First, there's a detailed consultation where your dentist assesses your oral health and discusses your expectations. If you're deemed a good candidate, the next step is the surgical placement of the implant into your jawbone. This is followed by a healing period, known as osseointegration, where the implant fuses with your jawbone. The final step involves placing the crown, which is the visible part of the implant that looks like your natural tooth. This process can take several months, but the results are worth the wait, offering a permanent solution to tooth loss.

Schedule Your Dental Implant Consultation Today

Understanding the best age for dental implants is crucial, but it's equally important to consult with a dental professional. At Nest Dental, Dr. Jennifer Chew can provide a thorough examination and discuss your options based on your personal oral health. Don't let missing teeth hold you back from enjoying life. Call us at (650) 692-5600 to schedule your consultation today. Your perfect smile could be just a phone call away!

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