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What Orthodontic Issues Does Invisalign Address?

Fixing Gaps Between Teeth

Invisalign is also an excellent solution for individuals with gaps between their teeth. These gaps, also known as diastemas, can be a source of self-consciousness and can affect the overall appearance of the smile. Invisalign aligners are custom-made to gradually shift the teeth closer together, closing the gaps and creating a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Addressing Bite Issues

In addition to straightening teeth, Invisalign can also correct various bite issues. An improper bite can lead to problems such as difficulty in chewing, jaw pain, and an increased risk of tooth wear. Invisalign can effectively treat common bite issues, including:

  • Overcrowded Teeth: Invisalign gradually shifts and aligns overcrowded teeth, creating space and allowing teeth to be properly positioned without the need for traditional braces.
  • Open Bites: Invisalign can effectively treat open bites, where the upper and lower front teeth don't meet when the mouth is closed. The clear aligners work to bring the upper and lower teeth into proper alignment, improving the bite and overall oral function.
  • Crossbites: Crossbites occur when one or more teeth in the upper jaw bite inside the teeth in the lower jaw. Invisalign can correct this issue by guiding the misaligned teeth into the correct position, ensuring a balanced bite and enhancing the aesthetics of the smile.

Resolving Mild To Moderate Misalignments

Invisalign is particularly effective in treating mild to moderate tooth misalignments. Whether it's crooked teeth, rotated teeth, or teeth that are slightly out of alignment, Invisalign can help straighten them. The aligners are designed to gradually shift the teeth into their desired positions, resulting in a more harmonious and balanced smile.

Boosting Confidence

Choosing Invisalign isn't just a decision for your teeth; it's a confidence investment. These nearly invisible aligners work their magic discreetly, allowing you to undergo orthodontic treatment without the self-consciousness often associated with braces. With each subtle shift, your smile transforms, giving you the confidence to smile freely and embrace every social interaction. 

Ready To Transform Your Smile?

If you're dealing with any of the orthodontic problems mentioned above, Invisalign may be the perfect solution for you. At Nest Dental, Dr. Jennifer Chew and her team are experienced in providing Invisalign treatment to patients in Burlingame and the surrounding areas. Contact Nest Dental at (650) 692-5600 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards transforming your smile with Invisalign.

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